Press Release: PR3 – Joint Policy and Recommedations Paper

The Digital Youth project is pleased to share its final Joint Policy and Recommendations Paper with the public. After conducting various trainings and focus groups with young people, youth workers, and educators in Spain, done by the Consultoría de Innovación Social in Torre del Mar, and the other partner countries, the paper combines the collected efforts on recommendations and suggestions for improved youth work in the future.

The paper includes good practices, as well as direct examples from the partner countries of Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, and Spain, on how to overcome challenges in youth work, especially when using digital tools and methods.

While digital interaction has become more frequent and regular in the last years, digital youth work still struggles to adhere to certain standard and is therefore often provided in an in-person format.

The paper provides more insight in how to handle challenges such as engaging new participants in training or sessions, as well as how to make learning more interesting. The recommendations stated in the paper are directed towards the youth workers, as well as the institutions working with young people in Spain.

Because change and improvement must happen on all levels with everyone participating.

Further information can be found on the project website: