
19 Digital Competence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu) Educators themselves need to be digitally competent to prepare their learners to live and work in a digital society. In these terms, the European Commission developed the DigCompEdu Framework, a reference guide that describes 22 essential digital competences educators should possess in 6 greater areas: professional engagement, digital resources, teaching and learning, assessment, facilitating learners’ digital competence (Fig. 2). There are six proficiency levels for each competence, ranging from A1 to C2, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). A1 means that you are a newcomer who is aware of the potential digital technologies have but needs guidance; C2 means that you are a pioneer who leads innovation and is a role model for younger teachers. The framework is a common reference across the EU, for teachers of various educational levels (from kindergarten to adult education), to prompt the development of policies and training programmes in the area. Find below an explanation regarding what each competence entails. 1. Professional Engagement Using digital technologies for: • Organisational communication with learners, parents and third parties, to codevelop and improve the communication strategies. DigCompEdu framework (Redecker, 2017).