
27 leadership, active listening, participatory decision-making, c) showing transparency, personal initiative. • Cooperate with others to shape youth policies: a) having knowledge of youth policy concepts, actors, and mechanisms at various levels (local through European), b) communicating, networking, cooperation, building partnerships, applying democratic leadership, having advocacy, public speaking and presentation skills, c) showing willingness to partner with other actors, curiosity, open mindedness, patience, tolerance of ambiguity, personal initiative. Function 8. Develop, conduct, and evaluate projects • Apply project management approaches: a) recognising project management frameworks, b) having skills for management (including finances), leadership, delegation, planning, facilitation, communication, c) adapting to new/unforeseen situations. • Seek and manage resources: a) having knowledge of resource management, b) having skills for financial management, human resources management and development, creativity in looking for resources, fundraising, communication, advocacy, networking, c) showing open-mindedness, honesty, transparency. • Give visibility to projects, draft reports, and make presentations, for a variety of audiences: a) having presentation, public speaking, report writing skills and capacity to adapt your discourse to different audiences, b) being self-confident. • Use information and communication technology tools when necessary: a) recognising information, communication, and media tools (online), b) using ICT in youth work (projects), express creativity, c) showing curiosity, personal initiative. Additional resources • Find more information about the Youth Work portfolio here • Assess yourself, on the ground of these competences, using this document. Go to page 28 and fill in the template.