
9 Youth work must demonstrate outcomes, and Frameworks are valuable instruments to support the planning and observing of these outcomes. Social networking is as ancient as society itself. Our relatives, work environments, the clubs, and organisations we are part of, our friendship groups, youth groups, and so on are all social networks. Social media is merely a new practice of accomplishing this networking. While it may seem untried or even foreign to some adults, it is an important part of the lives of most young people today. Their lives are intermittent by communicating thoughts, concepts, images, and videos with their online friends and self-presentation and online identity (North/South ICT Groups, 2019). The North/South ICT Groups (2019) go further, saying that young people are not just digital consumers; they are also frequently the developers of online content and self-expression. Not all young people are proficient in using modern technologies, including social media, and there are numerous methods in which young people use social media. This can be contingent on some capacity on their access to finances to spend for equipment and subscriptions and for what their peer group is employing social media. Those who can be vulnerable in the material world are usually most vulnerable online. Social media is a powerful instrument for employment, but the fundamental concern is how you operate it. For youth workers and youth organisations to neglect social media platforms is to skip out on a consequential part of the lives of most young people, as well as a chance to advertise their work to further audiences. Nevertheless, there are many dangers linked with the online environment – specifically for young people, but also for those collaborating with them. As with any other area of youth work, in the social media space, risks need to be assessed and overseen. Given the fast pace of evolution in social media, a risk assessment must be a continuous process. Nonetheless, it is also paramount that risk aversion does not stop organisations or youth workers from contending with young people via social media (North/South ICT Groups, 2019). The Covid-19 pandemic is a great example of why digital skills are essential. Young people were one of the most affected groups by the pandemic, socially and in their education. Most organisations and schools were not prepared for such a global pandemic causing a lack of resources for young people to use whilst this occurred. Society was forced to transition to digital. For this reason alone, youth workers need to advance their digital competencies to fill the gaps in Digital Youth Work. The digitalisation of the youth work sector needs to prioritise the use of digital media and technology in the lives of young people. It is vital to support youth workers to look broadly