
8 information on various participatory activities. Without downplaying also the need for governmental (financial), and social support. In Cyprus, the need has been highlighted to create an online platform accessible to all youth workers, both nationally and internationally, where they can all exchange best working practices, webinars, training sessions and other useful digital tools that they could use to improve their quality of work and better connect with young people. Nowadays, young people are used to using tablets, laptops, and smartphones, so it is necessary to know how to use digital tools to be able to connect and communicate with young people. The main reason for learning to use digital tools is also to connect with people with limited opportunities. In the focus group in Cyprus, participants were not very familiar with the digital tools used to connect with people with physical difficulties (mobility, visual, hearing). However, participants were willing to learn and evolve, and also expressed dismay at the lack of availability and accessibility of online training and digital tools, as well as the lack of digital literacy. Training Needs Analysis of Youth Workers in Greece Some of the main challenges faced by youth workers are the restrictions on many activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the use of the single screen, as this is still a big novelty for many of them. The advent of COVID-19 has not only made youth workers begin to capitalise on the digital tools that were already available to them, but through these digital tools, people from different geographical areas were able to participate in their activities, transcending essential boundaries. Whether for formal or non-formal education purposes. However, in Greece it is considered necessary not to replace face-to-face activities with digital tools. In the focus group, the importance of face-to-face and close contact with people was expressed. Especially, focusing on many vulnerable groups who do not have the privilege to participate in digital activities, as they lack an internet connection, IT devices, skills, etc. In Greece, it is believed that online contact is not very appropriate in the context of a therapeutic relationship, as it has a different level of intensity. Encouraging a positive balance between traditional and new learning methods is advocated. This is the change that youth workers in Greece would like to see. The digital divide for youth workers in Greece lies in the lack of resources to carry out digital activities. Resources such as necessary human capital and infrastructure. Therefore, it highlights the importance of workers feeling motivated to use different tools they need or want to use, as general digital skills are sometimes not enough.