
15 To better understand the DigComp Framework, explore below the definitions of the 21 competences (Vuorikari et al., 2022). 1. Information and Data Literacy • Browsing, searching, and filtering data, information, and digital content: searching for digital information, data and content based on your information needs, accessing, and navigating between them. • Evaluating data, information, and digital content: a) analysing, comparing, and critically evaluating the credibility and reliability of sources of data, information, and digital content, b) critically analysing, interpreting, evaluating the content itself. • Managing data, information, and digital content: a) organising, storing, and retrieving digital data, information, content b) organising and processing them in a structured environment. 2. Communication and collaboration DigComp 2.0 Framework: the 5 areas of digital competences