Month: November 2023

Press Release: PR3 Focus Group in Cyprus

Digital Youth 

PR3 – CY Focus Group 


The Digital Youth project is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Focus Group for the PR3 National Policy and Practice Recommendations Report in Nicosia, Cyprus. The Focus Group took place in two sessions held on the 15th of September 2023 and on the 24th of October 2023. The first session was incorporated in the PR2 – Trainings and Implementations, with the participation of twenty (20) youth workers, whereas the second session took place in the form of a 1:1 with a stakeholder with a Municipal Councillor who is actively engaged in the field of youth work in his municipality and beyond. During the focus group participants discussed the challenges for both youth work and digital youth work and brainstormed on the means to mitigate these challenges. The session ended with the participants sharing their own experiences and witnessed best practices in overcoming the challenges of digital youth work.

The PR3 Focus Group was organised by CARDET and KOKEN in the framework of Digital Youth project, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Grant Agreement Number: K2021-1-CY02-KA220-YOU-000029051.


The content of this publication represents the view of the author(s) only and his/her/their responsibilities.

Press Release: PR2 Trainings – Implementation in Cyprus

Digital Youth 

PR2: CY Trainings – Implementation


The Digital Youth project is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Trainings – Implementation for the PR2 in Nicosia, Cyprus. The Trainings – Implementation was conducted in two different sessions – one of them being face-to-face whilst the other took place online. The face-to-face session took place on the 15th of September 2023 with the participation of twenty (20) youth workers and it involved an overview of the project, an introduction to the eLearning Platform and a discussion on best practices on digital you work. The second session took place online, at participants own time and pace and it involved a twelve hour (12h) online engagement via the eLearning Platform. During the face-to-face session the facilitator remained neutral as to their personal opinion(s) whilst leaving the floor open for discussion among the participants and the provision of their recommendations. The session ended with the participants sharing their experiences, perspectives and witnessed best practices in digital youth work.

The PR2 Trainings – Implementations were organised by CARDET and KOKEN in the framework of Digital Youth project, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Grant Agreement Number: K2021-1-CY02-KA220-YOU-000029051.

The content of this publication represents the view of the author(s) only and his/her/their responsibilities.


Press Release: Digital Youth eLearning Platform

Digital Youth 

eLearning Platform

The consortium of the Digital Youth project is pleased to announce the successful completion of its second project result, which involved the development of an eLearning Environment. We actively worked on creating a free, engaging and interactive eLearning Environment that serves as the home for a number of tools and resources. Most importantly, the eLearning Platform hosts the Digital Youth eLearning Course which is comprised by three (3) blended learning modules – aiming at enhancing the skills and competencies of youth workers and of adults working within the youth work field. This eLearning Platform also hosts a wealth of additional resources to support youth workers and trainers in their digital youth work, including articles, publications, handbooks, podcasts, videos and digital tools. You can access the eLearning Platform here. Our platform has also been tested by experienced youth workers across all partner countries in order to shape it further according to their needs. The feedback collected has been adapted in order to optimise the experience of its users.

The eLearning Environment was produced by the entirety of the  consortium, with the leadership and guidance of CARDET, in the framework of Digital Youth project, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union Grant Agreement Number: K2021-1-CY02-KA220-YOU-000029051.


The content of this publication represents the view of the author(s) only and his/her/their responsibilities.